Price :
Type : For Sale
Date : 29. November 2024
Ad ID : 3124200
Age :
Sex :
Location : Lansing, MI, USA
Born 10//20/24, an only puppy! She's nearly potty pad trained, been free of her pen for 3 weeks to play with the other Yorkies and sleep where she wants. Very confident, well socialized. Many references. No deposit needed. Located in Haslett Michigan. I've included a FB post I found on a Yorky site. This family, 5+ hrs away, adopted their second puppy in July. also pictured in Tammy, born 2/20, same parents. Both parents are my smallest, with Tammy a close tie! Can email me at [email protected]. I'm a retired nurse, and take excellent care of my 'kids'. My avg buyer drives about 5 hrs from Chicago area. Record is 10 hrs. My included reference in photos from a repeat buyer says it all.
I expect her to remain small and black and tan. Her ears are already up. Doesn't always happen. Parents are on site. I can send as many photos and videos as needed.