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Dogs & Puppies Great Dane

Free Great Dane


  • Free Great Dane
  • Free Great Dane
  • Free Great Dane
Price : Free
Type : Adoption
Date : 29. November 2024
Ad ID : 3124038
Age : Young
Sex : Male
Our family has had Luka since he was 10 weeks old. He's now about 4. He has grown up being socialized with with children of all ages, cats and other dogs. He is up to date on all shots and neutered.

Unfortunately, Luka does not receive the attention he deserves due to our busy schedules. There was also a recent accident where he was playing with my husband's 12 year old son, lunged and hit his teeth on the childs face. The child was fine other than minor bleeding where a couple of teeth made contact (a spot near his eyebrow and the inside of his nose). Due to the situation, my husband will not allow the dog to stay in the home. 

He is currently residing with a family member until he is able to be rehome. 

Since in the home he has continued to be around a multitude of new people and children as well as other cats and dogs without incident.

He is a very loving and sweet boy who deserves a better home. 

He is still relatively young so he does gets zoomer energy (likes to run). He is also very strong but has done well even on walks with my 11 year old.

Luka has no special needs. Typically just eats Purina dog chow but has been spoiled with people food on occasion. 

Profile Pic
Arin McElwain

Registered: 2 months ago

Last active: 2 months ago

Safety Tips
  1. Beware of unrealistic offers
  2. Meet at a safe place
  3. Pay at pick up
