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Dogs & Puppies Mixed Breed Dogs

Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?


  • Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?
  • Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?
  • Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?
  • Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?
  • Love a Great Pyrenees Mix?
Price : Free
Type : Adoption
Date : 19. December 2024
Ad ID : 3149410
Age : Young
Sex : Male
Location : Bowie, MD, USA
Hi! My name is Groot. I'm a fun loving Great Pyrenees mixed with Hound handsome boy! I'm a Taurus--so I'm very loyal and smart. I love cuddles and smooches and I'm house trained! I'm about 90lbs but sometimes inside I feel and act like I'm 10lbs--LOL! I'm a very good walker and I don't even pull like I hear some dogs do. I like all kinds of foods and treats. Dad and Mom say I'm good boy...except for when I get into fights with my older brother dog. Not sure why we fight--its never over food, mainly attention I think, which is why Mom and Dad are trying to find me a good home for me to go. They tell me I'm neutered but I don't know what that words means but feel like I've been missing a little part of me since they took me to the vet. I'm healthy and update to date on vaccinatons. I like to play with other dogs (like my cousins the French Bulldog or my cousin the Labradoodle); I'm great with kids and babies...its just that me and brother dog get into it and it upsets the household; its the only reason I'm looking for a new home. If you like what you see, let my parents know and maybe we can meet to see if there's a love connection and we can be family.
Profile Pic
David Vinson

Registered: 1 month ago

Last active: 1 month ago

Safety Tips
  1. Beware of unrealistic offers
  2. Meet at a safe place
  3. Pay at pick up
