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Dogs & Puppies Maltese

Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away

Price On Call

  • Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away
  • Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away
  • Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away
  • Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away
  • Mister T So Cute he will take your breath away
Price : Price On Call
Type : For Sale
Date : 13. January 2025
Ad ID : 3177144
Age : Puppy
Sex : Male + Female
Best for family that do not have large pets or young children.  You can carry the puppies in your pocket or purse. MicrochipID Keep in moderate temperatures. Care for them as you would a small child.  not sold until at lest 2 lbs and 9weeks old.
Profile Pic
Jerry Dean Hine

Registered: 3 months ago

Last active: 1 week ago

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Safety Tips
  1. Beware of unrealistic offers
  2. Meet at a safe place
  3. Pay at pick up
