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Dogs & Puppies Pomsky

Pomsky Cuties

$200 (Negotiable)

  • Pomsky Cuties
  • Pomsky Cuties
  • Pomsky Cuties
  • Pomsky Cuties
  • Pomsky Cuties
  • Pomsky Cuties
Price : $200 (Negotiable)
Type : For Sale
Date : 28. December 2024
Ad ID : 3156653
Age : Puppy
Sex : Male + Female

All puppies will be dewormed and have first 2 6-way shots. If you're not sure what puppy is right for you, give me a call and I can match you with the best one for your life or let you know if my puppies aren't a good fit. My goal is to find a great puppy for you and a great home for my babies. The puppies were born of 8/9 and should be between 25 and 35 lbs ( depending on puppy) with Sprig being the smallest and Big Fatty the largest.

We have 6 puppies.  Each puppies has a very different personality so I will put a short blurb about each puppies below in order of the pictures.

Picture 1: Oreo

Personality: Oreo is a very timid but loving dog. She is very similar to her mother when she was a puppy. When ignored she will give kisses and love, when pet, she ignores you but if you stop, she rolls around and reaches for your hand for more. She comes for love oon her own schedule and isn't overly in your face. She is pretty independent but does visit often throughout the day for love and reassurance. She is a chubby little rolly polly and is snuggly at night. She only snuggles for 30 minutes tops before she jumps down to find a bed elsewhere. She is playful and enjoys playing with other animals but not humans. She does have a tendency to bark at cats, especially if they won't play back with her.

What is my opinion on her ideal home: She seeks out men and women equally. She would be great for a wider audience of animal lovers. She will likely be attached but not overly so. If she is like her mother when grown, she will demand more love as she gets older and won't be very playful. Instead she will prefer cuddling, pets and alone time. I could see her being OK with anyone from a family to an older couple to a single working person. She has a very flexible personality. She likes to eat and may have weight issues if her food is not monitored in the future. She will be good alone or with other dogs. I think she would prefer 3 or less dogs though.

Picture 2: Sprig

Personality: She has gone through many nicknames in our household, one of them being eternal spring.... and she definitely is one. She can be very high energy but she can also be very cuddly. She tends to understand that there is a time for sleeping and a time for playing. She is an early riser, I expect that she will adjust to different schedules as she ages but currently 4am is her favorite time, much to my dismay. She loves sleeping at the end of the bed and enjoys sucking on blankets and whining to comfort herself to sleep. She also enjoys sleeping in tight places (under pet stairs, under cat tree, under bathtub). . She will be attached and highly dependant on her owner, she is incredibly loving and a joy to have around. She isn't highly destructive or troublesome compared to the many other puppies I have homed. She doesn't attempt to escape either.

What is my opinion on her ideal home: She tends to seek out women more than men. She HAS to be slow fed a good quality food (bloat risk). Since she tends to suck on toys and blankets, be aware that hairballs may need to be assessed for in the future (hairball prevention). My major concern would be finding a home that would be able to provide her with enough love and attention as she will be incredibly attached to her human. She has been raised with cats, but does play with cats (doesn't hurt them but may scare cats not used to dogs). She would be good with children but not super young children as she is too hyper and may accidentally scratch a very young child.

Picture 3: Gingersnap

Personality: Gingersnap is a very outgoing and energetic little man. He is small but he like to use his limitless energy to overpower you for love. He is very demanding in the love department. He will sit out your chest all day and lick your face. If not on your chest, he will roll over and demand belly rubs. He is a large personality packed into a small little body. If he feels that you are ignoring him, he will give you a little hop on the chest to remind you that he is here and wanting attention. He is super playful and enjoys playing with humans, dogs and cats alike. He will be a super dependable dog and bonds very strongly with humans around him. He sleeps on the bed, usually at the foot of the bed and understands when he needs to jump down. He likes to occasionally suck blankets on the bed.

What is my opinion on his ideal home: He seeks out women more than men but does not care when it comes to giving kisses. He will equally lavish both me and my husband in kisses but ultimately chooses me as his bed. He will bond super strongly with his human. I am concerned that his home may be too busy for the amount of love this dog wants. He is pretty needy and honestly just loves the company of his chosen human. He would be a great choice for a single woman or for a couple. He could also work wonderfully in a family. Just be aware that he will want to be with you at all times. I am concerned that in the future he may become destuctive if separated from his chosen human for too long. This will need to be a training point.

Picture 4: Big Fatty

Personality: He is a very outgoing and curious. He loves to give hugs by standing up and putting his arms around your neck. He loves having his cheeks stroked and his back pet pretty roughly. He gives the sloppiest kisses and is a gentle giant. When super excited he does little circles and somersaults. He's a pretty calm dog in general but does like barking at the cat to entice them to play. He plays with the dogs more than anything and doesn't play with the humans as he is afraid to hurt us. He gets taken down by the runt of litter very often but also likes dragging around Oreo, our super timid pup, by the scruff of her neck. He likes sleeping next to you but quickly gets too warm and leaves for the coolness of the bathroom. He is a very loving and gentle puppy with medium energy.

What is my opinion on the ideal home for him: I think he will bond closely with multiple humans. He has a flexible personality but I feel like a home with more energy would be a better fit for him. A home that could dedicated more time to him and potentially take him on trips with them would be ideal. He has a curious and outgoing personality and that lends well to hikes and walks. Someone with a sense of adventure (hiking, camping, swimming) and a willingness to share this with their dog, would be ideal. He could also just as easily slide into a family home. A double career, high hour working home would likely not be ideal for him. HE CANNOT GO TO A HOME WITH CATS. We have cats and he sees them as play toys. To prevent damage to your precious babies, please avoid him if you have cats or other small animals that roam the house. He doesn't attack them but he just is a big lump and tries to play with them but is so much bigger than them that he could hurt them.

Picture 5: Sally (aka Doofette)

Personality: I feel like her name should be indication enough. She is the silliest and most playful puppy. She is a very curious and fearless puppy as well. She enjoys personal adventures. Although she enjoys running around, she also enjoys human company. She tends to get her energy out in bursts and then is satisfied with laying next to her human and begging for attention. She does tend to beg for attention often and will scratch if ignored. This will need to be trained out if undesired. She sleeps in bed at your feet and is good about not waking you up in the middle of the night or waking you up early if you like to sleep in. Ultimately if she gets bored she will just leave on an adventure. She may become an escape artist if separated for her human as when we use a puppy gate , she has already learned how to jump over and get to us. She is tiny but mighty.

What is my opinion on her perfect home: I would like to see her with a family or a couple. She enjoys pets from me and my husband evenly and I feel like she will bond strongly with a large amount of people. She has enough love and will demand that amount of love back. I would caution her around very small children as she may accidentally scratch them. I would avoid leaving her in a fenced outside yard as I imagine that when grown, she will find a way to escape (underground fences would be fine, maybe add one to a fenced back yard). Overall, I think she would adapt to various situations and would likely be a good candidate to take out of the house occasionally, be warned that she may have high amounts of energy for the first few exposures.

Warning for this puppy: Please contact me regarding her price as she will not be $400. She does have a developmental abnormality and will eventually need her lower canines removed. I don't feel comfortable selling her and need to find her a good home. Her health is good otherwise, just her canines needing to be removed ones her adult teeth come in. The reason is because she has an overbite and the lower canines can grow into her gum and cause periodontal disease. She also cannot be bred due to this issue.

Picture 6: Snickerdoodle

Personality: Snickerdoodle is a very outgoing and energetic. He gets the zoomies pretty often when love is offered to him as he just doesn't know what to do with his happy energy. He gives kisses but is just as happy to lay next to you. He plays with animals and humans equally and usually calms down after 20 minutes or so to enjoy pets and naps. He likes alone time as well and will sleep next to your bed as often as on it.

What is my opinion on the ideal home for him: I think he will bond closely with multiple humans. He has a flexible personality but I feel like a home with more energy would be a better fit for him. A home that could dedicated more time to him and potentially take him on trips with them would be ideal. He has a curious and outgoing personality and that lends well to hikes and walks. Someone with a sense of adventure (hiking, camping, swimming) and a willingness to share this with their dog, would be ideal.

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Last active: 1 week ago

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  1. Beware of unrealistic offers
  2. Meet at a safe place
  3. Pay at pick up
