Male and female standard Poodles purebred. Apricot and black with one cream color. All can go to their new homes Feb. 1st 2025. They are accustomed to cats. 305-776-5743 text or call. These puppies are so good and smart. They are already understanding the pee pads and will wait for me to set it down to go potty. So sweet! Located near Maple Valley. New pics coming.
Big Blonde male - big but passive
Apricot male - he is not the biggest but is an alpha, always in front
Apricot female - I call her fancy feet, she is second in the litter pack, wants to be part of the action
Dark apricot female - she is big but timid
Black male w a few white chest hairs - he doesn't like being alone needs company
Apricot male with black collar - doesn't play ruff, doesn't paw for attention