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Chihuahua Puppy for sale $150
Chihuahua Puppies for sale under $200
Chihuahua Puppies for sale under $500

Teacup Chihuahua for sale under $300
Teacup Chihuahua for sale under $500
Teacup Chihuahua for sale under $800

How to Find the Big Heart in Chihuahua Puppies for Sale

Among the smallest of purebred companions, many people may struggle to figure out if the Chihuahua would be the right fit for their families. With excellent care and a reputable breeder, you can acquire a loyal and affectionate dog that lives longer than most others. With appropriate socialization, Chihuahuas have huge personalities and can adapt to other small dogs and well-behaved children.

Chihuahua Puppies for Sale
Chihuahua Puppies for Sale

Overview of the Chihuahua


A Chihuahua for sale should look like an adorable pet but have the attitude of a terrier. Chihuahuas are self-assured and confident like a dog three times their size. They are also loyal and protective. Chihuahuas make excellent watchdogs and loving companions who do not tolerate much time alone. Their dainty appearance belies their agility and lively spirit. Some are too nervous or short-tempered to tolerate children. Many others seem to like playing with kids. The biggest challenge is the risk of your dog’s injury because of the Chihuahua’s diminutive size. Chihuahuas also can get along with other dogs, but their sometimes belligerent attitude and size can make them vulnerable to serious harm from larger animals.


Most experts believe the Chihuahua originated in Mexico from the Techichi, a long-haired small dog under 20 pounds. DNA analysis supports this theory, although it is not clear when exactly Chihuahuas may have become a separate type. The Chihuahua’s ancestors were companions, a food source, and sacrificial subjects amongst the Maya, Toltec, and later Aztec civilizations from as early as 300 BC to the 1300s AD. Chihuahuas were an established commodity by the late 1800s when Mexicans made trades across the US border to Texas and Arizona. Ancient artists frequently depicted small Chihuahua-like dogs in their sculptures, indicating the early desirability of the breed as a lapdog.

Physical Characteristics

Fanciers recognize the Chihuahua as the smallest of dog breeds. It usually stands between six and nine inches tall at the shoulders and weighs between two and six pounds. Dogs under five pounds fit under the teacup classification, although there is no formal separation. Although American and British standards call for no Chihuahua to weigh over 5.9 pounds, the so-called deer head variety can weigh 10 to 12 pounds.

Deer head Chihuahua
Deer Head Chihuahua

Deer head Chihuahuas are commonly much bigger than the apple heads with more refinement. As implied, “apple heads” have much rounder heads with dainty snouts and big round eyes.

Apple head Chihuahuas
Apple Head Chihuahuas

The ears are relatively large and upright, held to the sides when the Chihuahua is at rest.

“Apple heads” are the only type the AKC accepts in conformation contests.

Chihuahuas have a compact body with surprising strength in the shoulders and hindquarters. They should have an alert and impish expression with a jaunty and driven gait. The tail is furry without being bushy and dogs carry it in a slight sickle. Chihuahuas can be any color with or without various types of white markings. Lighter-colored dogs have amber eyes. Blue eyes are a fault.

Tiny Dogs Need Exercise Too

Despite its size, you should exercise your Chihuahua for 20 to 35 minutes every day. When you have a puppy, break up exercise sessions with training and socialization. Training should persist throughout your Chihuahua’s life to ensure mental engagement and stimulation. Chihuahuas need monitoring during growth and as adults because they can easily overexert themselves. Your Chihuahua’s small snout may predispose it to heat sensitivity when it is hot and humid outside. In the winter Chihuahuas should wear protective clothing because they lose body heat so easily.

Importance of Training

Many owners neglect to properly train small dogs. You may think there is no way you would not be able to control a five-pound dog. However, training and socializing your Chihuahua will create a happier pet. Even the tiniest dogs thrive on structure and routines. Many Chihuahuas are inordinately aggressive and much of it likely stems from fear. A tiny dog with no exposure to different people and environments and with inadequate training will be understandably defensive. That being said, a Chihuahua for sale will not be a cakewalk to train. Ranked 125th in working intelligence, Chihuahuas are not dumb but they may use their cleverness for manipulation rather than obedience. They can be willful, domineering, and even difficult to house train.

How to Feed Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are occasionally tricky to feed. At the one extreme are the hypoglycemic puppies that must eat something every couple of hours. At the other end of the spectrum are the chubby six-year-olds facing the possibility of diabetes and exacerbated joint issues. Most Chihuahuas should get about 200 to 250 calories per day or about half to three-quarters a cup of kibble. Although they are not prone to bloat, these little guys should have two or three meals a day to help keep their blood sugar levels stable. When it comes to what to feed them, Chihuahuas are like any other dog breed. You should select a good-quality dry or wet food that has meat among the top ingredients. Fats should be from animal sources when possible. You can tailor the basics to such concerns as food allergies or sensitivities. A breeder of Chihuahua puppies for sale may advocate a raw diet to promote health and decrease the likelihood of dental problems. Always consult with your veterinarian to make sure homemade meals have a nutritional balance.

How to Check Health in Chihuahua Puppies for sale near me

Newborn Chihuahua Puppy
Newborn Chihuahua Puppy

Once you settle on a particular litter of Chihuahua puppies for sale, you can go a few steps further to get a pet that will be healthy down the road. If at all possible, visit your prospective puppy on site. See firsthand how it interacts with its littermates. If available, check out the parents. In particular, look for any gait abnormalities, soreness, or aggressive or fearful tendencies. If neither the mother nor father are present, try to get some background information. The AKC H.E.A.R.T. program gives breeders a way to produce the best Chihuahua puppies for sale by requiring breed-specific evaluations. Chihuahua breeding individuals should have a knee and heart evaluation. Puppies can get ophthalmological exams as early as eight weeks old. Any puppy you are considering taking home should be at least eight weeks old and mobile. Avoid any Chihuahua pup that isolates itself in a corner, shows excessive timidity or aggression, has tremors or exhibits unusual weakness.


Any healthy Chihuahua for sale has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. 

Shedding and Grooming

Chihuahua puppies for sale have two coat varieties. Smooth-coated dogs have short glossy hair. Their undercoat is variable, with some Chihuahuas not having much of one at all. Long-haired Chihuahuas have moderately long silky fur with fringes around the ears and a noticeable undercoat. Both types have furry tails. Long haired Chihuahua puppies for sale will look much like their short-haired counterparts. They do not start growing in their long coats until about six to eight months old. The coat may not be full until a dog is 14 months of age. Chihuahuas are moderate shedders the entire year. Those with an undercoat will have a slight increase in shedding in the spring and fall. With either a smooth-coated or long-hair Chihuahua for sale, you need to brush at least weekly. Grooming needs are minimal, only requiring a rubber mitt for smooth-coated dogs and a pin brush for long-haired Chihuahuas. You should bathe sparingly and with a mild shampoo. Try to limit baths to every six to eight weeks. A top grooming priority should be brushing your Chihuahua’s teeth once or twice every week. You will have to accustom your pet to having its mouth handled at an early age. Trim nails every four to six weeks.

Teacup Chihuahua for Sale
Teacup Chihuahua for Sale

Price of Having the Smallest Purebred Dog

Teacup Chihuahua puppies for sale are exceptionally tiny. Like other teacup breeds, these dogs have overwhelming appeal because of their size. However, similarly to giantism in dogs such as Great Danes, miniaturized Chihuahuas can have much shorter lifespans than standards. The average teacup lives seven to twelve years. Teacup Chihuahuas are much more prone to hypoglycemia, hydrocephalus, heart disease, Legg-Calve-Perthe, and traumatic fractures. The smaller the teacup Chihuahua for sale, the more you can expect to pay. Micros under 3.5 pounds can approach $50,000. As with any Chihuahua, avoid puppy mills when you go to purchase your next Teacup dog.
