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Mini Bernedoodle

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Mini Bernedoodle for Sale: Flashy, Intelligent, Adoring Family Pet

Miniaturized versions of different dogs can appeal to owners for a variety of reasons. People often equate them to puppies that retain their juvenile appearance forever. Dog lovers perceive miniature dogs as cuter and more receptive to pampering than their larger counterparts. Mini Bernedoodles for sale successfully downsize a giant-sized dog and enable it to better fit into a city lifestyle. They are more manageable and portable than standard Bernedoodles, Standard Poodles, or Bernese Mountain Dogs.

Overview of Mini Bernedoodle Puppies for Sale


Mini Bernedoodles belong to a subcategory of Bernese Mountain Dog (BMD) x Poodle crosses. Poodles originated in Germany. They were developed by the Germans and French into sporting dogs that retrieved waterfowl around the 1400s. There are three to four recognized size variations, depending on the registry. The Bernese Mountain Dog came from dogs brought to Switzerland by Roman legions around 22 AD. Like Rottweilers, they herded cattle and protected property. Instead of carting butchered meat to market, they often hauled milk. The practice of mixing the BMD and Poodles began formally with Sherry Rupke of the US in 2003. Breeders of standard Bernedoodles use the Standard Poodle while those breeding minis use the Miniature Poodle. Crossing these two breeds had multiple goals:

  • Improve the health and longevity of the Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Create an attractive tricolor dog with a hypoallergenic coat
  • Downsize the BMD
  • Introduce a more laid-back personality type to the Poodle
  • Propagate certain traits in both breeds to reinforce an intelligent and highly trainable family companion

The Bernedoodle and its size variants were accepted by the International Designer Canine Registry in 2009. It is generally recognized by all hybrid clubs.


Miniature Bernedoodles look like other Doodles.

  • Pronounced rounding of the crown of the head and a moderate dome-shaped skull
  • Eyes wide-spaced and round, brow well-developed
  • Ears variable in size (small, medium, or large) – always droopy, they frame the cheeks or sides of the face
  • Medium, strong muzzle the same length as the back skull – not excessively deep or broad
  • Strong sturdy limbs
  • Muscular shoulders, broad pelvis, moderately rounded croup
  • Medium-length stout neck
  • Chest rather deep and broad
  • Topline – sloped slightly upward from the withers to the hips
  • Abdomen – tuck-up is mild or nonexistent
  • Tail – reaches the hocks and the dog tends to carry it level with the back


Mini Bernedoodles have variable coats. The desirable coat is soft with waves or loose curls. However, some Mini Bernedoodle puppies for sale have straight heavy dual coats with minimal waves, and others have tightly curled hair.


The easiest way to distinguish a Mini Bernedoodle from other miniature Doodles is the presence and distribution of generous white markings. Bernedoodles can be of various colors, but most have white paws, a blaze, and a large white bib expanding from the chin to the neck and across the chest. A few dogs are missing facial white markings, but very few do not have some white at least on their eyebrows, feet, and chest. Some dogs are piebald with white extending completely around their necks and up the sides of their bodies. Possible Mini Bernedoodle colors are below:

  • Tricolor – black and brown (tan to mahogany point pattern) with white; by far the most common and desirable Bernedoodle color pattern
  • Black & white
  • Black with minimal white markings
  • Brown or chocolate & white
  • Merle & white (merle is black and white hairs swirled in a marbled pattern with dark random patches and spots; marbled areas look blue to gray to silver)
  • Sable – hairs banded in shades of red, brown, or gray; hairs are light at the roots and darken towards the tips

Size Variations – Micro Mini Bernedoodle for Sale

There are three official size variations of Bernedoodles, two of which can be classified as Mini Bernedoodles for sale. A Miniature Bernedoodle is 18 to 22 inches tall and weighs 25 to 44 pounds. You can compare these dimensions with the Standard Bernedoodle which is 23 to 29 inches tall and weighs 45 to 90 pounds. A Micro-Mini or Toy Bernedoodle is 12 to 17 inches tall and only weighs 10 to 24 pounds. It involves the use of Toy Poodles and sometimes smaller-than-average Bernies in its breeding programs. Also known as a Teddy Bear or Teacup Mini Bernedoodle, the Micro Mini has a specific host of challenges and exceedingly undersized dogs have shortened lifespans.


Miniature Bernedoodle puppies for sale love to cuddle, and that quality does not change with maturity. Bernedoodles are loyal and form fast, strong bonds with all family members. They do not like to be left alone and are prone to separation anxiety. Mini Bernedoodles are loving, active, and clever. They are sensitive dogs with emotional intelligence and an eagerness to please. Moreover, they are friendly and typically social with visitors and other dogs. Some individuals are initially cautious with strangers, but a properly socialized dog warms up quickly. Mini Bernedoodles acquire gentleness and patience towards kids from the BMD. All dogs should be supervised when with children under the age of 10 to 12 years old.

Mini Bernedoodle for Sale Near Me

Most Miniature Bernedoodles for sale are f1 or f1b dogs. The letter “f” stands for filial and refers to the dog’s generation. An f1 Mini Bernedoodle is a pup from the first-generation cross of a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog with a pure Miniature Poodle. An f1b Mini Bernedoodle results when you backcross an f1 dog to a purebred BMD or purebred Miniature Poodle. As you can deduce, “b” denotes a backcross. You can also see multi-generational dogs.

  • f2 – f1 x f1
  • f2b – f2 x purebred BMD or purebred Mini Poodle
  • f3 – f2 x f2, f1b x f2

A backcross usually involves a Poodle to maintain a small size and select for the curled, low-shedding hair type. Breeders who want a sturdier guardian type will choose Bernies in their backcrosses.

Mini Bernedoodle Lifespan

Mini Bernedoodles have an average lifespan of 13 to 15 years, but many live 16 or 17 years.

Care of Mini Bernedoodle

Mini Bernedoodles are usually high-maintenance pets.


  • Coat care is demanding
  • Brush teeth every other day or two
  • Nail trim every two to six weeks
  • Wipe face and around the eyes every one or two days
  • Check the ears for signs of infection every two or three days
  • If you shave or take your dog to a professional groomer – clipping every four to eight weeks
  • Bath – every four to six weeks; more often and with a medicated shampoo for dogs with skin problems or allergies

How often you brush your Mini Bernedoodle depends on the quality of its coat.

  • Mostly straight flat coat – brush two or three times a week; increase to daily as the dog sheds the undercoat (spring and fall)
  • Wavy hair or loose curls – brush every other day or more
  • Tightly curled hair – brush or comb daily

Teddy bear cuts are not common for Mini Bernedoodles because most owners love the tousled natural look. However, some people keep their pets shaved close to the skin on the body. The head, tail, and feet are usually left longer and require frequent brushing.


Miniature and Toy Bernedoodles require diets based on animal protein. Fats should comprise 12% to 15% of the diet for most dogs, and they need specific levels of different vitamins and minerals. Numerous dog foods provide nutritional balance for most canids. Feeds on the market range from raw (dehydrated, fresh, or frozen) to dry to canned. Many owners mix and match food types and brands while others cook for their dogs. If you lack experience with formulating meals for your dog or have any doubts about a food’s nutritional composition, consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian or nutritionist.


Mini Bernedoodles are active for their size, requiring 40 to 60 minutes of daily exercise. Physical activities like running, playing, walking, and hiking should be intermixed with mental enrichment exercises such as games, puzzles, and training. You can build a stronger bond and increase your dog’s satisfaction by splitting daily exercise allotments into two or more sessions. Puppies under nine months to a year old require very few dedicated physical activities and more socialization and basic training than adults.

Training and Socialization

A puppy that does not get enough exposure to different environments and people at an early age can quickly develop antisocial behaviors. Such puppies become shy, sometimes turning into defensive biters. They also fail to develop appropriate communication skills with other dogs. Mini Bernedoodles for sale are usually easy to train as they are cooperative and intuitive. Training challenges are your puppy’s small bladder and the Bernedoodle’s sensitivity. Young pups may require extra time for housebreaking. Frequent trips outdoors will make this go much smoother and more quickly. Mini Bernedoodles will mentally shut down with training methods that are forceful or harsh.
