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Teacup Pomeranian Puppies
Pomeranian Puppies for Sale $250
Pomeranian Puppies for Sale under $300

Feisty Pomeranian Puppies for Sale for Doting Owners

If you have ever seen a litter of Pomeranian puppies for sale, you probably found them almost irresistible. The Pom is a breed that even retains its puppy-like looks and attitude into adulthood with a luxurious fluffy coat and foxy expression. If you fancy a small dog for your apartment with a sassy bold attitude and a desire to be your constant companion, you may want to add a Pomeranian to your household. Poms are ideal for families without small children who perhaps live in a small apartment and want something to dote on.

Pomeranian puppies for sale

Where did the Pomeranian for sale come from?

Like much of the Spitz family, Pomeranians originated in frigid conditions and pulled sleds. Originally about 50 to 60 pounds, these sled dogs came from Iceland into Europe around 1450 where they gave rise to the German Spitz. They settled predominantly in Pomerania, an area encompassing the parts of Germany and Poland that bordered the Baltic Sea. The German Spitz is the foundation of several dog breeds, and the smallest was the Pom. In fact, Pomeranians are a result of the downsizing of select Spitz dogs, a process that likely began in the early 1500s. Final development of the Pom as a companion breed occurred in England. Queen Charlotte imported some of the German Poms to England in the 1760s and called the little dogs Pommeranians. However, it was not until the 1870s that the Pomeranian became a common sight in the UK. Queen Victoria furthered the breed’s popularity in the 1880s and is believed responsible for promoting an even smaller size than its 30 pounds at the time.

What does should a Pomeranian for sale near me look like?

Pomeranian puppies for sale only slightly resemble the beautiful dog that probably attracted you to the breed in the first place. Poms are in the Spitz and thus, have several family traits. A Pomeranian should have a foxlike expression with a wedge-shaped head, relatively small triangular upright ears, a thick dual coat, and a plumed tail that curves up and lays on the back. Pomeranians are compact and short-backed with well-muscled shoulders and hindquarters. They have a balanced but lively and quick gait. A full-grown Pomeranian is six or seven inches tall at the shoulders and weighs from three to seven pounds. Any color is acceptable with no faults or preferences in the show ring.

  • Cream
  • Red – Most common
  • Sable
  • Chocolate
  • White – Can be parti, piebald, or extreme piebald
  • Black and tan
  • n be solid blue, blue and tan, or blue brindle
  • Brindle
  • Beaver
  • Orange
  • Black

Facts about the Teacup Pomeranian

As is true of other teacups, the Teacup Pomeranian is not a separate breed or even a recognized variation. It occurs through selection for smaller and smaller dogs to breed, resulting in an adorable furball that is well below the breed standard. A Teacup Pomeranian will commonly weigh just under three pounds to four pounds as an adult.

What is a Pomeranian’s temperament?

Very commonly you will hear breed standards characterize a Toy dog as having a big dog in a tiny body. The Pomeranian is not an exception. Bold to the point of being almost cocky, the Pomeranian embraces the hardy and lively temperament of its ancestors. Poms are playful and energetic, with many fanciers even describing them as feisty.

Other Dogs

Pomeranians get along with other dogs and cats for the most part if you socialize them at a young age. Sometimes, their behavior with larger dogs can be provocative as they try to chase them off. The fact that a Pom feels intimidated can manifest as aggression. Inappropriate behavior of Pomeranians around large-breed dogs can lead to serious injury. Pomeranians should never play unsupervised around dogs that are much bigger than them.


If you seek a Pomeranian for sale for your kids, you should take several factors into considerations. The age, energy level, and behavior of your children is especially important. Small kids are not generally a good match for Poms. In their rambunctiousness or lack of knowledge, young kids can easily harm such a small dog by stepping or tripping on it, falling on it, playing to rough, or dropping it. Teacup Pomeranians are especially vulnerable to life-threatening accidental trauma.


Pomeranian ancestors were guard dogs just as many other Spitz breeds were. Pomeranians do not have the size to perform guard duties, but they are excellent watchdogs with a sharp bark. You must take care to develop social skills because Poms can easily become ankle biters.

Intelligence and Training a Pomeranian

A Pomeranian for sale has a very inquisitive highly intelligent mind. Owners who take the time to engage their dog will find the Pomeranian is willing to please and very trainable. The two major challenges you may have with your Pom’s training are working around its confidence and taming its strong tendency to bark incessantly. Early reinforcement and frequent positive rewards are the keys to having a well-behaved Pomeranian. Neglect and poor socialization with can lead to obnoxious yapping, fearfulness, aggressive biting, and property destruction.

Health of the Pomeranian

Pomeranians are healthy long-lived dogs with a life expectancy of about 12 to 16 years.

If you can obtain any background information on the parents of prospective Pomeranian puppies for sale, see if you can get information about the eyes, knees, and heart. If you are considering “Pomeranian puppies for sale near me,” you should make every effort to visit them. Take notice that the premises are clean, all animals look clean and well-fed, and the home looks live-in but is free of overwhelming odors.

How to Care for Pomeranians

Pomeranians are relatively high-maintenance dogs.


Pomeranians are high-energy dogs, requiring about half an hour of exercise every day. You will likely achieve your best results if you split your time of exercising your Pomeranian into two sessions. Although Poms are small, you need to focus some of your activities on training. Basic obedience is important, but you can also perform advanced training such as agility. Poms thrive on a little bit of vigorous romping and running.


Pomeranians show in a full natural coat. Its dual nature dictates you should never shave a Pom’s coat, but many owners manage the luxurious fur by cutting it into a lion cut. If you do not shave the fur, you should brush it daily. This will keep a healthy sheen on it from the oils in the skin and will keep it from tangling. You may also prefer to shave a “sanitary clip” or area under the tail. Also beneficial to your Pom is ridding the feet of excess hair and plucking thick fur out of the external ear canal. You should bathe your Pomeranian not more often than every six to eight weeks unless there is an underlying problem with the skin. On your biweekly checks you should examine your dog’s ears for any signs of redness or discharge and wipe around its eyes. You should also teach your Pom from an early age to tolerate you brushing its teeth.


Pomeranians can easily become overweight because owners tend to pamper them, spoil them with food rewards, and neglect their exercise routine. A Pom’s extremely light frame makes any excess weight a potential strain on their knees, hips, and heart. Feed your Pomeranian the same as you would a Husky, with a high-quality food with animal proteins and whole food as the main sources of nutrients. If you choose a homemade or raw diet, consult with your veterinarian to ensure it is nutritionally complete. Pomeranians typically require 32 to 45 calories per pound of body weight depending on age, activity level, present body condition, and general health. For a three-pound dog you may only feed a quarter of a cup of dog food a day while a seven-pound Pom might get an entire cup. Dogs usually do better with digestion if their meals are served in two portions through the day. Hypoglycemic dogs may need more frequent feedings, and puppies should eat at least three or four times daily.
