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Shih Poo

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shih poo puppies for sale
Shih Poo puppies for sale

Adorable, Devoted, and Soft: Shih Poo Puppies for Sale

The Shih Poo, despite its regal ancestry on both sides, makes a doting and desirable family pet. Smart, alert, dedicated, and charming, the Shih Poo’s small size makes it not only a great apartment dweller but also an excellent companion for seniors, couples, and single people. Individuals who require an emotional support animal frequently turn with confidence towards this designer dog. Finally, the Shih Poo’s fur possesses hypoallergenic properties for sensitive dog lovers.

Shih Poo for Sale Info

The Shih Poo is a small designer dog. As you can guess from the name, a Shih Poo is a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Toy or Miniature Poodle.

Physical traits

As with any hybrid, Shih Poos can be unpredictable in appearance. Shih Poos are generally six to twenty pounds and eight to sixteen inches tall. Shih Poo puppies for sale can resemble one breed more than the other or be an even blend. Many have the dome forehead and dish-shaped face of the Poodle with rounds eyes along with the relatively long back and short legs of the Shih Tzu. The round top of the skull with hanging ears is an unmistakable trait many puppies inherit from the Shih Tzu. Multigenerational crosses with breeding back to purebred Poodles are more likely to produce coats with pronounced waves or loose curls. Otherwise, Shi Poos tend to have straight to wavy medium-length hair that is rather silky. Their color possibilities include red, apricot, white, gray, black, chocolate, cream, or brindle. Light-colored dogs can have brown, tan, or brindle patches.

brown shih poo for sale
Brown Shih Poo for sale

History of Shih Poo Puppies for Sale

Shih Tzus originated with Tibetan monks around 2,000 years ago. They became dogs of the Chinese Royalty by the 1860s. The Poodle’s origins are somewhat murky. Experts believe the Poodle originated in Germany from various European Barbets in the 1600s as a water retrieving dog. France developed the Poodle further, including breeding the Standard Poodle down to the Miniature and Toy varieties. The Shih Poo appeared shortly after the peak of the “Doodle” craze in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Enthusiasts sought out the cross for its qualities as a potentially hypoallergenic companion dog. The most desirable qualities continue to be a docile nature, emotional sensitivity, affectionate and endearing personality, soft wavy coat, and small size.


Shih Poo puppies for sale inherit loving and sweet personality traits from both parents. They bring a love for snuggling from the Shi Tzu and intelligence and joy for life from the Poodle. Shih Poos are generally lively, affectionate, and playful. They are commonly Velcro dogs to the point of being clingy in some cases. Shih Poos take companionship seriously and do not do well on their own. A few hours of solitude can lead to despondency and depression. Shih Poos enjoy playing and do well with older children. Kids that do not yet understand how to treat dogs can make this small breed uncomfortable. Although relatively sturdy for its size, the Shih Poo is still more vulnerable to traumatic injuries than medium and large dogs. The Shih Poo’s friendly nature allows it to get along with other dogs, but you should always exercise extreme caution with larger canids. Despite its diminutive size, fearfulness and shyness are not part of the personality of this breed. However, poor socialization can lead to nervousness and fear-biting tendencies.



While there will always be a debate about whether mixed breed dogs are healthier than purebreds, Shih Poos do share some of the problems common to each of the parent breeds. However, they also enjoy the longevity of their parents with a lifespan ranging from 10 to 16 years. The key to acquiring a puppy that will grow into a healthy adult with a long life is to research reputable Shih Poo breeders. One of the best places to look for ethical breeders is through purebred clubs and registries for both the Shih Tzu and the Toy or Miniature Poodle. Club members tend to have more breed knowledge and are more likely to make sure their dogs have evaluations and certificates. Other steps you can take to increase your chances of getting a healthy pup are to avoid puppy mills and to visit “Shih Poo puppies for sale near me” in person.

Common Potential Health Issues

Your Shih Poo pup will not necessarily have any of the following health challenges. However, it is advisable to be aware of potential setbacks.

  • Luxating patellas – Very prevalent in Poodles and a common problem of most small breeds; Kneecaps do not stay in their proper grooves
  • Cataracts – Clouding of the lens
  • Corneal dryness and ulcers – If eyes are prominent as in Shi Tzus
  • Intervertebral disc disease (slipped disc) – can cause severe pain to paralysis; Prevalent in long-backed Shih Tzu
  • Entropion – Eyelids roll inward causing lashes and hairs to rub against the eye
  • Hip dysplasia – Can affect small breed dogs
  • Hypothyroidism – Low thyroid levels
  • Progressive retinal atrophy – Dogs eventually go blind
  • The Poodle brings more than its fair share of endocrine problems, including Cushing’s disease (produces too much steroid hormone), diabetes (unregulated insulin-dependent high blood sugar), or Addison’s disease (not enough steroid hormones)

How to Care for a Shih Poo


Shih Poos must eat a certain proportion of fats and proteins every day. Carbohydrates are not nearly as straightforward for dogs. While domesticated dogs have evolved the ability to use grains such as corn for protein, many experts and proponents of species-appropriate feeding seek to abolish plant materials from dog food except for the occasional berries. You should consult with your veterinarian to determine if grains, potatoes, or other carbohydrates are appropriate for your Shih Poo. A ten- to fifteen-pound Shih Poo will require 380 to 450 calories per day. It is healthiest if you split the daily allotted volume of food into two or more portions. Puppies should eat three or four meals a day until they are six months old.

How to Groom a Shih Poo

How you groom your Shih Poo will depend on what type of coat she inherits.

  • Long soft and flowing double coat – Brush 3 or 4 times a week; Some owners may opt to keep body clipped
  • Wavy coat with thin or no undercoat – Brush every other day but gently so as not to break hairs
  • Wavy medium coat – Brush 2 to 3 times a week
  • Curls – Brush 3 to 5 times weekly

Multi-generational crosses aim for a flowing coat with waves that has the hypoallergenic properties of the Poodle’s hair. You should bathe your dog every four to six weeks. Many Shih Poo owners enlist the help of a professional groomer. A groomer can help clip your dog in an attractive easy-maintenance short trim, pluck his ears, and tend to his nails. Your groomer may clip your dog’s nails or use a Dremel tool to smooth and round off the edges. Professionals also clean the ears and pluck them of extraneous hair and express the anal glands if necessary. If you do not know, Poodles are notorious for growing copious amounts of hair deep within the external ear canal. Plucking is a regular part of these dogs’ grooming routines. The anal glands are tiny internal sacs on either side of the rectum that release secretions during defecation and to mark territory. In some breeds, they become backed up, and your dog will rely on assistance to empty them occasionally. Shih Poos can have dental challenges and benefit from you brushing their teeth every few days. Introduce a canine toothbrush and toothpaste to your pup at an early age.

Exercise and Training

Your Shih Poo will need 25 to 35 minutes of exercise each day. Some Shih Poos are more active than others. Those with particularly short snouts or dwarfed legs will not have as much stamina as those with less exaggerated features. Smush-faced dogs should avoid exercising in hot and humid conditions. Shih Poos have active minds and require attention to training and mentally engaging activities as well as physical outings. Most Shih Poos will thrive on daily walks intermixed with a short romp or run. Exercises should happen over a couple of sessions in a day and are great opportunities for training puppies’ basic obedience. Adults are open to advanced obedience and can also excel at agility. Shih poos are emotionally sensitive, and harsh training methods or shouting can set their skills in reverse by weeks. Positive reinforcement and a strong reward system are key to training desired behaviors in the hybrid. This breed is quite eager to please.

Toys and Bedding

Although there is little doubt that a Shih Poo would prefer to snuggle with a family member, it is beneficial to provide your dog with a bed. Canine beds can provide your pup solitary space when she requires it. Also, bedding is good for support for dogs that have arthritis or that are recovering from illness or surgery. Likewise, you must customize toys to the tastes of your dog. A Shih Poo for sale often looks cute next to a stuffed animal, but a few will tear that toy to shreds and then try to eat it. Others derive comfort from plush toys. You can also use interactive toys like balls and puzzle games to keep your little companion sharp and help you to bond with her.

Teacup Shih Poo Puppies for Sale

Shih Poo dog breeders aim for two size ranges. Mini Shih Poos are what you will see as the standard for the breed. Toy Shih Poos, also considered Teacups, will stand eight to ten inches tall and weigh six or seven to fifteen pounds. Their smaller size is generally the result of using a Toy Poodle in the cross instead of a Miniature. Dogs that are under 10 pounds as adults may have increased problems with hypoglycemia, especially as puppies. Individuals that are on the small end of the size range are more prone than usual to liver shunts and heart defects. Smaller dogs are in higher demand and many Shih Poo breeders use Toy Poodles in their crosses.
