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    Profile Picture


    Walkerton, IN, USA (St. Joseph County)

    Last active : 3 months ago


    Hello, my name is Abby and I have always loved Pomeranian's. (Who doesn't love an adorable Little fluff ball!) I joined the breeding game because I wanted an all white fur baby and realized that it was difficult to find one. One that wasn't going to brake the bank at least. My long term goal is to provide pure white Pomeranian's at an affordable price. This will take some time but we will get there. We have an in-home set up for our Pomeranian's, making them comfortable and happy! Our pups have plenty of room for running and are introduced to farm animals, other dogs and cats. Along with kids to, so they are well adapted for any type of home set up you may have.

    Ad(s) posted by abbygrady341

    $600 (Negotiable)


    • Lincoln Township, 46574, United States
    Posted: 16. September 2024


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