I am not just a typical Yorkshire Terrier Breeder as I raise my yorkies as family and not kept in a pen all day. Our pups run around under are feet,lol. We play with the pups and talk to them and give them love and they give us kisses back! We start them on potty training, so they are off to a good start. Yorkies are great for people with allergies because they do not shed! If you are looking for a pre-spoiled yorkie puppy raised in the home the right way as part of the family, then you have come to the right place! We are located in a little town called Galva in Illinois. It is about 3 hours southwest of Chicago and about 3 hours north of St Louis. Mo. Our yorkies are raised to be beautiful, healthy, well socialized members of the family. All our yorkies are family and sleep in bed with us and are spoiled rotten! Our puppies are our babies and bring us so much joy. I raise yorkies to get my puppy fix and get my puppy kisses! Have a look around and if you have any questions, please send me a message! I love yorkie talk!
I just love all the different colors of yorkies, but best of all I love their wonderful personalities and how smart they are. Yorkshire terriers make the best companions and truly are a mans or womans best friend. Yes I talk to my yorkies and yes they understand me and talk back! My yorkies are my furry lil kids! I always say yorkies are like potato chips .... you can't just have one! I have many different types of rare colored yorkies and the traditional (black & tan) yorkies too. I just want one of every color because I love them all!