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Janaye Marshall

    Profile Picture

    Janaye Marshall

    Myrtle Point, OR, USA

    Last active : 2 months ago


    Welcome! I specialize in family raised Labrador Retrievers. I selectively breed for health and temperament. I will only have 1 litter a year and devote myself full time to the puppies that I have. I carefully select the home that best matches each puppy. If you can offer a long term pet home I would love to hear from you and see if you are a good match. My puppies receive the best care possible. When you buy a puppy from me you can know without doubt, that you are buying a puppy from an ethical breeder who takes care of her puppies and their parents.

    Ad(s) posted by Janaye Marshall


    AKC Charcoal labrador

    • Myrtle Point, OR, USA
    Posted: 3. December 2024
    Price On Call

    AKC labradors

    • Myrtle Point, OR, USA
    Posted: 3. December 2024


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