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Marlon Macklin Jr

    Profile Picture

    Marlon Macklin Jr

    19212 Meadowlark Ln Warrensville Hts OH 44128

    Last active : 3 months ago


    Hi I'm Marlon and I am here to sell Multiple Pure Breed Kane Corso's I'm doing this because I have someone in my house who is allergic to dogs so I can't keep them, so I am here to sell them to good people who want them and some of them may look very similar to each other also each Dog will be $700 by themselves and if you want the papers for them it will be $1200

    Ad(s) posted by Marlon Macklin Jr


    Selling Pure Breed Kane Corso’s

    • 19212 Meadowlark Lane, Warrensville Heights, OH, USA
    Posted: 5. October 2024


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