Hi, My name is Lorri and I have a beautiful dog named Bailey. Bailey got pregnant before I could get her spayed and instead of taking her to the vet to have the puppies aborted, I chose to not do that and take care of her and the puppies. She delivered the puppies, with my help, on September 7th and all her babies were born perfectly, healthy and without any problems or difficulties. Bailey was a champ and she LOVED being a mom to her puppies. They have been in my home and I’ve given her and the puppies the best care I could possibly give. So these puppies mean everything to me and I love each one of them dearly. I don’t want to let them go but I already have three dogs and I can’t keep anymore. So I’m looking for families who will love these puppies, cherish them as one of the family and give them a forever home. They truly are the sweetest and most loving and affectionate puppies I’ve ever seen.