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There is always a flurry of activity surrounding bringing a new pet home. Especially if it is a puppy or kitten for adoption, preparations are like readying for a newborn infant. If you choose to adopt a kitten, you have decisions and choices you do not necessarily have with a human. However, a kitten will likely be walking about when you bring her home, so you will need to make your home safe. You may be able to pick from multiple free kittens in a litter, so how do you tell a healthy one? And how do you take care of your new addition?
Cats do not seem particularly social, especially compared to dogs. This makes bonding with their mothers and littermates more important. You may not be able to fill social gaps as easily for a kitten as for a puppy. Ideally, kittens should stay with their siblings until they are 12 weeks old, although their mother will likely wean them between six and eight weeks of age. Kittens are usually still grabbing an occasional nursing session from mom up to ten weeks old. Beyond that, the queen continues teaching crucial skills to her kittens. Young cats learn a lot by watching. Moreover, cats emit pheromones that soothe the young and place them in a mental state conducive to education. Kittens who leave the nest too early, so to speak, can develop behavioral challenges. Some common issues are persistent suckling on inanimate objects, social miscues around other cats, the inability to groom adequately, or lack of knowledge about using a litter box or even burying waste at all. Kittens can grow up shy and may deal with their fear through aggression.
You may have been approached numerous times about “free kittens near me.” Cats can be prolific breeders. A litter of baby kittens for free is not likely going to have health certificates or parental guarantees. There are still ways to enhance your chances of adopting a healthy kitten. You can win half the battle by visiting where the kittens are before taking one home. If the mother is there, see what kind of health she exhibits. Make sure she does not look too thin or have runny eyes. But especially look at the entire litter. Avoid specific qualities in free kittens.
Kittens for adoption from the neighbor or a family member and even a breeder can have parasites. These do not have to be deal-breakers unless they are suffering long-term effects or there appears to be an infestation. You can spot fleas by using a specialized comb. Flea combs have such fine teeth that they trap fleas. A flea comb is useful in dark animals or pets with only a few fleas.
Free kittens and those you purchase from a breeder or rescue do not differ in their basic needs.
Kittens feed differently depending upon their age when they come home with you. Up to four weeks of age, your kitten will be nursing on a bottle every two to three hours. At four weeks of age, you can start offering a gruel several times a day. You will still be bottle feeding, but every four hours. Begin the weaning process gradually between five and seven weeks. Dry food should be always available, and you should feed a gruel, canned food, or baby food with water four times a day. Onions are highly toxic to cats, so make sure the baby food does not have onion powder. It should also be meat-based and is only ideal for exceptionally picky eaters. By seven or eight weeks, your kitten will be effectively weaned and weigh approximately two pounds. Growing kittens require 50 to 65 calories per pound per day. Many times, the best way to deliver a high concentration of calories is via canned food which is high in protein and fat. Kittens should eat enough to be full but not bloated or distended in the abdomen. Cats are kittens until about a year old. Try to get a sample of the same food your kitten has already been eating. Make food changes gradually.
Toys keep kittens busy and help engage their minds. Lures, lasers, and balls hone their chase skills and help their motor development. As you would for a baby, you need to make sure toys do not have small removable parts that could be choking hazards. String poses unique challenges as cats love to eat it, and it can cause detrimental effects on the digestive tract. Sometimes you must teach a kitten how to play effectively with toys. Everyday items such as cardboard boxes sometimes make more amusing toys than shiny commercial objects.
You should provide a bed for your kitten that is all his although he may not often use it. Cats often sleep on multiple surfaces. however, it is good to get your cat accustomed to his bed to serve during recovery from illness or if you must, temporarily enclose him in one room. Beds come in many forms but should have a washable and water-proof removable cover. Kittens do not require much support, but your focus should be on security.
You can start litter training a kitten as young as four or five weeks old. One of the benefits of acquiring a kitten over the age of ten weeks is she will likely already know how to use a litter box. Refrain from using clumping litter until your cat is eight months to a year of age because kittens may try to eat it.
Maintaining their claws is part of the feline’s grooming ritual. Your kitten learns it at a young age. Providing a scratching post may save your furniture, cabinets, and walls. Many times, you will have to try various kinds of scratching surfaces to determine which type your kitten likes best. Some cats like horizontal surfaces while others prefer vertical posts. Experiment with different materials as well.
Collars can be controversial for cats. A must for leash training, leaving one on your cat’s neck can be dangerous. Even the quick-release designs can get caught when a cat leaps. Dangling charms and whistles add more items of entrapment. We recommend you use collars sparingly and under supervision for kittens.
A food-motivated cat can be just as easy to train in certain areas as a cat. Plan on working with your kitten daily. Training provides mental stimulation and can help with socialization. Persistence and patience will pay off over time.
You must assume your kitten will try to put everything in her mouth and even try to swallow it. It will be easiest if you restrict your kitten to smaller areas of the house while she is tiny or until the age of six months. However, kittens are adept climbers, so placing everything out of reach requires imagination.
Cats need 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day depending on activity age. Your pet’s activity level will depend on her age and breed. Kittens are naturally active if they are healthy, but you want to establish a habit of playing with them early. This makes it easier to keep a routine of activity as your cat gets older and loses some of her interest in playing. Playing also helps you bond with your pet.
You do not have to worry about your cat’s coat until about five to eight months old. Nevertheless, you should accustom your kitten to brushing. You should also handle his ears and play with his paws, trimming his nails every couple of weeks. Long-haired cats and wooly-haired felines require daily brushing. Short-haired cats need you to brush them weekly to distribute oils and stimulate circulation. Ideally, you should also get your kitten used to you brushing his teeth. Cats do not need many baths, but if you bathe your kitten, use lukewarm water and dry him completely.