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Hypoallergenic Cats

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Pure Bred Royal Champion Bengal Kittens
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$400 (Negotiable)
Rosette Spotted Bengal Kittens
$900 (Negotiable)
$1,000 (Negotiable)
$300 (Negotiable)

Susanville, CA, USA


NY 104, Sodus, NY, USA

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Lititz, PA, USA

$1,500 (Negotiable)

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$500 (Negotiable)

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$2,500 (Negotiable)

Machesney Park, IL 61115, USA


Hypoallergenic Cats for Sale and Adoption

Hypoallergenic cats for sale and adoption
Hypoallergenic cats for sale

For many people, the idea of owning a cat may seem impossible due to allergies. However, hypoallergenic cats offer a solution to this problem, as they produce fewer allergens than other breeds. As a result, these cats can bring joy and companionship to those who might otherwise have to avoid pets altogether. In this article, we will discuss hypoallergenic cats for sale and adoption, the different breeds available, and tips for finding the perfect feline companion.

Hypoallergenic Cats: What Makes Them Different?

Allergies to cats are primarily caused by a protein called Fel d 1, which is found in cat saliva, skin, and urine. When cats groom themselves, the allergen-laden saliva dries and becomes airborne, triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Hypoallergenic cat breeds produce less Fel d 1 than other breeds, making them a more suitable option for allergy sufferers. It’s important to note that no cat is completely allergen-free, but hypoallergenic cats significantly reduce the chances of an allergic reaction.

Popular Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

  • Siberian: The Siberian cat is a large, fluffy breed that originates from Russia. Despite their thick, luxurious fur, they produce lower levels of Fel d 1. Their friendly and social nature makes them an excellent choice for families.

  • Balinese: Often referred to as the “long-haired Siamese,” the Balinese cat is known for its striking appearance and playful personality. They produce less Fel d 1 and are also less likely to cause allergic reactions.

  • Bengal: The Bengal cat is an exotic breed with a stunning, wild appearance. They are highly intelligent, energetic, and affectionate. Bengal cats have less Fel d 1 in their saliva, making them more suitable for allergy sufferers.

  • Cornish Rex: The Cornish Rex is known for its unique curly coat and slender body. They require less grooming due to their short fur and produce fewer allergens, making them an ideal choice for those with allergies.

  • Devon Rex: Similar to the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex has a short, wavy coat and an affectionate personality. They produce fewer allergens and require minimal grooming, making them a popular hypoallergenic breed.

  • Russian Blue: The Russian Blue is a striking cat with a dense, plush coat and bright green eyes. They produce less Fel d 1, and their coat is less likely to shed, reducing the number of allergens in the environment.

Hypoallergenic devon rex cat
Hypoallergenic devon rex cat

Hypoallergenic Cats for Sale

Check our classified ads for cats that are for sale by owners and breeders in your local area. When looking for hypoallergenic cats for sale from a breeder, it’s essential to do thorough research on breeders to ensure they are reputable and follow ethical breeding practices. Here are some tips to help you find a responsible breeder:

  1. Ask for references: A reputable breeder should have no problem providing references from previous customers and their veterinarian.

  2. Visit the cattery: Arrange a visit to the cattery to see the living conditions and interact with the cats. This will give you an opportunity to observe the cat’s temperament and overall health.

  3. Health guarantees: Ensure the breeder provides a health guarantee, which should include genetic testing for common breed-specific health issues.

  4. Registration and pedigree: Reputable breeders should register their cats with a recognized cat association, such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). They should also provide a pedigree for the cat.

  5. Pricing: Hypoallergenic cat breeds can be quite expensive due to their rarity and breeding costs. Be prepared to invest in a quality pet, but be cautious of breeders who charge significantly lower or higher prices than the average for the breed, as this may indicate unethical practices or scams.

Hypoallergenic Cats for Adoption

Adopting a hypoallergenic cat is a wonderful way to provide a loving home for a cat in need while also managing your allergies. In addition to contacting local shelters and rescue organizations, check our classified ads for cats that are up for adoption from owners looking for a good home for their pet. Here are some tips for finding hypoallergenic cats available for adoption:

  1. Check with local shelters and rescue organizations: Many shelters and rescue groups have websites and social media pages where they post information about available cats. Let them know you’re specifically interested in hypoallergenic breeds.

  2. Look for breed-specific rescues: Some organizations specialize in rescuing and rehoming specific cat breeds. Search for hypoallergenic cat breed rescues in your area, and get in touch with them about available cats.

  3. Be patient and flexible: Finding a hypoallergenic cat for adoption may take time, as these breeds are less common in shelters and rescues. Be prepared to wait for the right cat and consider adopting an adult or senior cat, as they are often overlooked in favor of kittens.

  4. Allergen testing: If you’re uncertain whether a cat at a shelter or rescue is hypoallergenic, some organizations offer allergen testing to help determine if the cat would be a suitable match for your household.

Creating a Comfortable Home for Your Hypoallergenic Cat

Once you’ve found the perfect hypoallergenic cat, it’s important to take some steps to minimize allergens in your home:

  1. Groom your cat regularly: Regular grooming helps remove loose hair and dander, reducing the number of allergens in your home. Use a gentle brush or grooming glove, and be sure to clean it after each use.
  2. Maintain a clean environment: Vacuum your home frequently using a vacuum with a HEPA filter, and wash your cat’s bedding, toys, and litter box regularly.
  3. Use air purifiers: Consider investing in an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove allergens from the air.
  4. Allergy medications: Consult with your doctor or allergist about the possibility of using allergy medications to help manage your symptoms while living with a hypoallergenic cat.

The Path to a Happy Life Together

Hypoallergenic cats offer a unique opportunity for allergy sufferers to enjoy the companionship of a feline friend. By understanding the different breeds available and doing thorough research when searching for hypoallergenic cats for sale or adoption, you can find the perfect cat to bring joy and love into your home. Remember to take the necessary steps to maintain a clean and allergen-free environment for both you and your new furry companion, ensuring a happy and healthy life together.
